How can we increase Odd Molly’s social media followers in an efficient way and at the same time, communicate their core message; to inspire girls to go their own way?
The answer is to team up with an Instagram profile with millions of active followers all around the world who have purple hair, is very creative, dare to go her own way.. and happen to live in Uppsala in Sweden.
“Create and Inspire – Set Your Mind Free” was a collaboration between Odd Molly and the Instagram artist Aliencreature where we teamed up to create a new take on a social media campaign. Aliencreature made a limited edition drawing pad, available for purchase at oddmolly.com. With her colorful hair and workspace, Aliencreature manifests that anyone can create and everyone can inspire other people to be creative. Odd Molly interviewed Aliencreature through a game of pictionary in her own drawing pad. Together, we also came up with the hashtag #CREATEODD on Instagram where Odd Molly and Aliencreature encourage people to post their own art.
The campaign was launched in July 2016 and keeps running online and on Instagram.
ServicesConcept. Creative direction. Film and production.Year2016